Islamic Art from Pakistan to San Francisco

Islamic Art from Pakistan to San Francisco

A conversation with Sophia Ahmed Sattar, Pakistani – American artist Interview with Sophia Ahmed Sattar Interview Sophia Ahmed Sattar, born and raised in a politically unstable Pakistan, decided to take her art career far away from her homeland: to the US. After...

Does Modern Islamic Art Exist?

The concept of modern art implies a break with the tradition for a more personal interpretation of reality. Can this definition be applied to define today’s Islamic Art? Marina Alin Designer and Founder of Nazarli interior Décor Googling the phrase Modern Islamic Art...
Self-Representation in Islamic Art: Emotions in the Mirror

Self-Representation in Islamic Art: Emotions in the Mirror

Some extracts from Mahmoud Darwish’s poem Mural read through visual Arabic (self) portrayal art BY IWAMAG One day, I will be what I want to be. One day, I will be a bird, and will snatch my being out of my nothingness. The more my wings burn, the more I near my...

Who Is Interested in Islamic Art?

by iwamag A couple of months ago we launched a survey, mainly about the interest in Islamic Art and Social Media use. During the survey we also asked some demographic questions: our aim was to understand our public. Who is interested in Islamic Art? What is his/her...
Transfiguring Iraq: A New Art for a New Era

Transfiguring Iraq: A New Art for a New Era

The things we can’t ignore about this incredibly beautiful but war-torn country, from the eyes of three IRAQI artists.   By Sara Ibrahim Iraq is widely considered the cradle of civilization: a place where not only the Islamic Caliphate and the Arab civilization...